Hello makeup lovers,

    I thought I should share with you these simple makeup fixes that work like magic 
    Sometimes we run out of vital products or simply stuck and don't know what to do. The following makeup fixes will give you all the help you need.
1. Dry mascara: When you use your mascara for a long time, and becomes too old and the oil in it dries out. You can revive an old mascara by dropping it into a glass of warm water for few minutes before applying it. Replace your mascara every 3months.
2. Polish remover has run out : if you want to re- paint your nails and found out you have run out of Polish remover, don't worry, you have a quick fix by applying a clear base coat on the old Polish, leave for a few seconds then press a tissue over the nail and remove quickly. The base coat and the old coloured Polish will come off in one quick move.
3. Scattered eye lashes: eye lash curler can change the way scattered lashes look in a minute without applying mascara. Simply squeeze your upper lashes between the pads of an eyelash curler to curl your lashes beautifully.
4. When a blemish appears: it can be irritating when you see a blemish on your face. Don't worry, simply transform the blemish into a beauty mark. Dot over the top with an eye brow pencil and set your beauty mark in place with a light dusting of loose powder.
5. Yellow nails: When you coat your nails with a dark coloured nail Polish without a protective clear base coat, your nails become stained yellow and look pale. To cure this, rub your nails with lemon juice to remove stains and then massage your nails and hand with moisturiser so they won't dry out.
6. Melting lipstick : during the day, especially when it's hot, your lipstick may start to melt. If this happens, dust a little loose powder over the top. It will give a drier texture and help the lipstick stay put for a longer period.
7. Disappearing foundation : sometimes because of the hot weather, when applying foundation, it seems to disappear into your skin. Rather than applying more layers which will make your face look caked, simply apply your foundation on a cool face. Cover your face with a damp face towel for a few moments before applying your foundation. You can also store your foundation in a refrigerator to make it cool.
8. Over applied blusher: if you over applied your blusher, just dust a little loose powder over it until you get a softer shade.
9. Dirty nails: sometimes your under nails may be stained from dark stains or dirt. Just run a white manicured pencil underneath the nail s. This will give them a cleaner appearance, then coat with transparent Polish to look fresh. 
10. Smeared eyeliner : When your eyeliner smear, dip a clean cotton bud in an eye makeup remover and clean off the Smeared areas then re- apply powder.
11. Yellow teeth: to make them look white, avoid coral or brown-based lipsticks. Clear pink or red lipstick shades will make them appear whither.
12. Sore ears from cheap ear rings: if you have a sensitive skin and your ear gets sore because of cheap ear rings which you do not want to throw away, you can coat the ear rings with a hypo-allergenic clear nail Polish and you are good to go.
13. Dry nail Polish : if your nail Polish is dried out, you can quickly fix it by adding a drop of Polish remover to it and then shake very well. The nail Polish becomes light again and easy to apply.
14. Puffy eyes: pour ice cold water in a bowl and dip two clean cotton wool balls into it, then place on your eyes and lie down for about 15minutes. Dip in again if the cotton balls become warm. You can also place thin strips of potato underneath your eyes to reduce swells. Or place a slice of cucumber over each eye then lie on your back for 15 minutes. This will tone and sooth the skin around the eyes.

Thanks for reading. I hope these tips help you.


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