Beauty Tips And Secrets. Part 1

Hello makeup lovers,
Today. Am going to show us some beauty and makeup tips and secrets.
Below are a list of them.

1- Brighten dark elbows and bikini lines by rubbing them with fresh lemon. Lemon has a natural bleaching effect. Then moisturize the area afterwards to prevent drying.

2- Soak nails in a bowl of olive oil once a week to strength them.

3- If you don't have time for a full makeup but want to still look great, just wear a RED lipstick.

4- Powder eyeshadow can be made to look more intense by dipping your eyeshadow brush in water first.

5- Carry a spray of mineral water in your hand bag to freshen up your foundation while you are out.

6- Sweep a little loose powder under your eyes when applying dark eyeshadow to catch the falling specks and prevent them from staining your skin.

7- Sleeping on your back helps stop wrinkles. It's worth a try!

8- Dunk your legs into a bowl of warm water and 3 tbs Epsom salt to help ease swollen ankles.

9- If you find eyebrow tweezing painful, first numb the area by holding an ice cube over it

10- Make your lips appear larger by wearing a bright, light lipstick. Make them appear smaller by wearing a dark or muted coloured lipstick.

11- Never apply your makeup before blowd-drying your hair. The heat from the dryer can make you perspire and cause your makeup to smudge.

12- Mascara your lashes before applying false ones to help them stick properly.

13- Add a drop of witch hazel - to turn ordinary foundation into a medicated one. It's great for oily or blemish-prone skins.

14- If you have very soft nails, file them while the Polish is still on. Which will prevent them from cracking.

15- Warm up your look by dusting a little blusher over your temples, chin and the tip of your nose as well as your cheeks.

16- If you look tired, blend a little concealer just away from the outer corner of your eye- It makes you look as though you had a good night sleep.

17- Go lightly with powder on wrinkles around the eyes- too much will settle into them and emphasize them.

That is it my darlings. These tips are certainly worth trying!

Thanks to:
The complete book of beauty.


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